Monday, May 30, 2011

What a Weekend!!! My first roadtrip.

Mom, Dad, and I drove to Richmond, Virginia for Brynn and Chase's Wedding.
The drive wasn't too bad until we hit traffic.
I got to meet alot of my Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and close friends.
Once we got back home Mom and Dad's close friends stopped by to see me. 
All and all a great Memorial Day 2011.

Mom and I getting ready to leave.

Mom and I all dressed up.

Cousin Nick and Sara.

Cousin Meg and Jozette.

Cousin Matt and Jozette.

Nan, Pop and I having a laugh together.

Uncle Larry and Aunt Pat.

Mom and Dad enjoying a slow dance.

Aunt Cindy and Uncle Jerry.

Mom, Cousin Patrick and Aunt Val.
Is that your version of the chicken dance?

All dressed up and out as a family.

Aunt Val and Uncle Dan.

Aunt Michelle in deep thought.  Pappy is in the foreground.

Connie and Claire

Cameron.  Why so serious?

Uncle Bill enjoying his Father-Daughter dance with Brynn.

Chase and Brynn.

Eskimo kisses!!!

I was blowing bubbles.

Pappy put me to sleep.

Aunt Val, Mom, Dad, Me, Pappy, Patrick, Ashley, Nan, & Pop.

Jozette, Matt, Noel, Pappy, Meg, Uncle Jerry, & Aunt Cindy

Uncle Larry, Aunt Pat, Pappy, Nick and Sara

Cousin Noel and Jozette.

Uncle Joel

Uncle Patrick.

Memorial Day 2011.
Until next time.
Love Sophia

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