Monday, May 30, 2011

What a Weekend!!! My first roadtrip.

Mom, Dad, and I drove to Richmond, Virginia for Brynn and Chase's Wedding.
The drive wasn't too bad until we hit traffic.
I got to meet alot of my Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and close friends.
Once we got back home Mom and Dad's close friends stopped by to see me. 
All and all a great Memorial Day 2011.

Mom and I getting ready to leave.

Mom and I all dressed up.

Cousin Nick and Sara.

Cousin Meg and Jozette.

Cousin Matt and Jozette.

Nan, Pop and I having a laugh together.

Uncle Larry and Aunt Pat.

Mom and Dad enjoying a slow dance.

Aunt Cindy and Uncle Jerry.

Mom, Cousin Patrick and Aunt Val.
Is that your version of the chicken dance?

All dressed up and out as a family.

Aunt Val and Uncle Dan.

Aunt Michelle in deep thought.  Pappy is in the foreground.

Connie and Claire

Cameron.  Why so serious?

Uncle Bill enjoying his Father-Daughter dance with Brynn.

Chase and Brynn.

Eskimo kisses!!!

I was blowing bubbles.

Pappy put me to sleep.

Aunt Val, Mom, Dad, Me, Pappy, Patrick, Ashley, Nan, & Pop.

Jozette, Matt, Noel, Pappy, Meg, Uncle Jerry, & Aunt Cindy

Uncle Larry, Aunt Pat, Pappy, Nick and Sara

Cousin Noel and Jozette.

Uncle Joel

Uncle Patrick.

Memorial Day 2011.
Until next time.
Love Sophia

Friday, May 20, 2011

Just another day with my Dad!!!

We played, slept, played and slept.

Mother's Day 2011

I had the pleasure of celebrating my Mom's first Mother's Day.
Both my grandparents came to my house.
I also got to have my Pappy hold me. 
Even my Uncle Ed and his girlfriend came. 
Cousin Ashley was there with a cast on her foot.
Of course Payton was there.
The day ended with me sleeping and blowing bubbles.

I Love you Mom!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sophia Marie Hess

Welcome to Sophia's Blog. 
I will keep you updated with all the new changes in my life. 
Check back as often as you like.